• Slo
  • Eng
  • Katedra IKT Univerza v Ljubljani Fakulteta za elektrotehniko
    Laboratorij za informacijske tehnologije

    Hands-on EGG

    Vabljenemu predavanju doc. dr. Nadice Miljković bo sledila “hands-on” predstavitev EGG meritev v prostoru DrivingSimulator-A04, na Fakulteti za elektrotehniko Univerze v Ljubljani.

    About hands-on:
    Hands-on electrogastrography (EGG) measurement aiming at electro-physiological assessment during driving simulation will be held by Nenad Popović, PhD student at the University of Belgrade – School of Electrical Engineering. All attendees will acquire practical “how-to” instruction in key skills required for preparation and EGG signal acquisition in both static and dynamic conditions.

    About lecturer:
    Nenad Popović is a PhD student at the University of Belgrade – School of Electrical Engineering. His main research interest relates to measurement and analysis of biosignals, specifically to EGG signals. Additionally, he has more than two years long experience as clinical engineer in private sector in Serbia.